Filter + Productions `24


Thu 16/01/2025 - 20u00 Triumph! CC Belgica Dendermonde
Sat 18/01/2025 - 20u15 Triumph! Cultuurhuis De Zeepziederij Bree
Thu 23/01/2025 - 20u15 Triumph! CC Geel de Werft
Sat 25/01/2025 - 20u00 Triumph! CC Aarschot Het Gasthuis
Tue 28/01/2025 - 20u00 Gambling Game 30CC Leuven
Tue 28/01/2025 - 13u30 Gambling Game 30CC Leuven School
Fri 31/01/2025 - 20u00 Triumph! Cultuurhuis Herbakker Eeklo
Sat 01/02/2025 - 20u00 Triumph! CC Netwerk Aalst
Tue 04/02/2025 - 20u00 Triumph! NTGent
Wed 05/02/2025 - 20u00 Triumph! NTGent
Thu 06/02/2025 - 20u00 Triumph! CC Zwaneberg Heist-op-den-Berg
Fri 07/02/2025 - 20u15 Triumph! CC De Kern Wilrijk
Sat 08/02/2025 - 20u15 Triumph! Stadsschouwburg Mechelen
Wed 12/02/2025 - 20u00 Triumph! DEStudio Antwerpen
Thu 13/02/2025 - 20u00 Triumph! DEStudio Antwerpen
Thu 27/02/2025 - 10u00 Gambling Game Cultuurcentrum Kortrijk School
Thu 27/02/2025 - 14u00 Gambling Game Cultuurcentrum Kortrijk School
Fri 28/02/2025 - 20u00 Gambling Game CC De Factorij Zaventem
Fri 28/02/2025 - 13u30 Gambling Game CC De Factorij Zaventem School
Tue 11/03/2025 - 14u30 Gambling Game Cultuurcentrum Blankenberge School
Thu 13/03/2025 - 14u00 Gambling Game CC Jan Tervaert Hamme School
Thu 13/03/2025 - 10u30 Gambling Game CC Jan Tervaert Hamme School
Tue 18/03/2025 - 10u15 & 13u30 Gambling Game CC De Steiger Menen School
Wed 19/03/2025 - 20u15 Gambling Game CC De Steiger Menen
Wed 19/03/2025 - 10u15 Gambling Game CC De Steiger Menen School
Thu 20/03/2025 - 20u00 Brutal Passion DEStudio Antwerpen
Fri 21/03/2025 - 20u00 Brutal Passion DEStudio Antwerpen
Fri 21/03/2025 - 20u30 Gambling Game CC Willebroek - De Ster
Sat 22/03/2025 - 20u00 Brutal Passion DEStudio Antwerpen
Wed 26/03/2025 - 20u30 Brutal Passion Hoeilaart
Fri 28/03/2025 - 20u00 Brutal Passion Cultuurcentrum Evergem
Thu 03/04/2025 - 20u30 Brutal Passion CC Strombeek
Fri 04/04/2025 Brutal Passion Oudenaarde
Sat 05/04/2025 - 20u30 Brutal Passion CC Gildhof Tielt (Malpertuis)
Wed 23/04/2025 - 20u30 Brutal Passion KVS Brussel
Thu 24/04/2025 - 20u15 Brutal Passion Cultuurhuis De Warande Turnhout
Fri 25/04/2025 - 20u00 Brutal Passion OC 't Waaigat Zwijndrecht
Tue 29/04/2025 - 14u00 Gambling Game CC Den Hoogen Pad Maldegem School
Tue 06/05/2025 - 13u30 Gambling Game De Grote Post Oostende School
Wed 21/05/2025 - 20u00 Triumph! CC Schoten
Fri 23/05/2025 - 20u30 Brutal Passion Chassé Theater Breda (NL)

About Skagen

SKaGeN is a Antwerp based theatre company that has been producing highly successful plays in Flanders and the Netherlands since 2000, both on the art circuit and the more public-oriented festival circuit. Furthermore, the SKaGeN productions ‘Bigmouth’ and ‘Smallwar’ toured international in 17 countries worldwide, including the USA Honkong, China, New Sealand, Australia,... This success derives from its combination of high artistic standards and accessibility. SKaGeN was formed by members of a class that graduated from the renowned Antwerp Conservatory, headed by a lion of Flemish theatre, Dora van der Groen, and the internationally acclaimed theatre and opera director Ivo Van Hove. The group has developed into one of the leading theatre companies of its generation. SKaGeN has built a tradition to adapt great novels for theatre. SKaGeN’s versions of La Peste by Albert Camus, Voyage au bout de la nuit by L.F. Céline and Berlin Alexanderplatz by A. Döblin, are successful examples of this. SKaGeN is Valentijn Dhaenens, Korneel Hamers, Mathijs Scheepers and Clara van den Broek.