Our Century So Far

Increasingly, we are collectively inundated by an abundance of murky information.
Truth seems context-specific, depending on who is formulating it. Providing or just withholding information is a power dynamic to control and manipulate people. How far can we go in this? And are we just victims of this tendency or more and more also perpetrators?

In Our Century So Far, Mathijs F Scheepers paints a picture of the 21st century so far. In doing so, he throws speeches, Twitter clips, bits & bites, clickbaits, algorithms and everything that helps us distort our opinions into the fray. Slowly but surely, our view of the world, of others and of ourselves comes into question in this hall of mirrors of information. And this is at once disconcerting and entertaining, like the 21st century itself.

Our Century So Far is an examination of the limits of manipulation, the missed opportunities we were never aware of and a deep dive into the tidal wave of information in which no one can get their bearings anymore. The performance will be a monologue by Mathijs F Scheepers featuring Musk, Putin, Madonna, MVR, Ocasio-Cortez, Twitter, Gervais, Swift, Snapchat and many others.

Concept and performance: Mathijs F Scheepers

Coach: Carly Wijs

Technical design: Karl Klomp

Costume: Barbara De Laere

Technique and support: Johannes Vochten, Bob Cornet, Eric Engels

Graphic design: Lidia Nagibina

General management and coördination: Korneel Hamers

Production: SKaGeN, De Studio

With support from: PerPodium & The Flemish Community


Tue 19/12/2023 DEStudio Antwerpen
Wed 20/12/2023 DEStudio Antwerpen
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Fri 14/06/2024 c o r s o
Mon 16/09/2024 - 13u30 DEStudio Antwerpen School
Mon 16/09/2024 - 20u00 DEStudio Antwerpen
Tue 17/09/2024 - 13u30 DEStudio Antwerpen School
Tue 17/09/2024 - 20u00 DEStudio Antwerpen
Tue 08/10/2024 - 14u00 Cultuurhuis De Zeepziederij Bree School
Tue 08/10/2024 - 10u30 Cultuurhuis De Zeepziederij Bree School
Thu 10/10/2024 - 20u15 CC Boom De Steiger
Fri 18/10/2024 - 20u00 Vrijetijdscentrum Brieleke Wommelgem